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Basic Axolotl Care


Axolotls are relatively hardy and forgiving if their environment is not perfect. The most important factor is that the water should be relatively clean and free of chemicals which are dangerous to the axolotls.

  1. Water quality. Different municipalities add different chemicals to the water. These chemicals are meant to control bacteria and other protozoa in the water. They are almost always bad for axolotls. If you know how to remove the chemicals on your own, great. Otherwise, every aquarium store sells something to make the water safe for fish. If possible, the water should be left to sit for at least 24 hours and ideally 48 hours, before adding the axolotls.

  2. Cleanliness. Axolotls do not like filters as the current created by most filters disturbs them. A small filter will keep the water oxygenated, but any filter that can truly keep the water clean will stress the axolotls. It is always a good idea to change 25% of the water weekly. If the water looks clear and the axolotls are eating, the water is fine. It is important to observe the axolotls. If they stop eating, or the gills begin to degrade, the water must be replaced immediately. 

  3. Axolotls will eat many foods. Live tubifex worms and black worms are their favorite. Frozen blood worms are great. Sinking salamander pellets are readily accepted. Garden worms which are not treated with chemicals are often appreciated. Other insects should only be offered sparingly.

  4. Temperature. Axolotls need temperatures from just above freezing to 70. If the temperature is above 70 the axolotls will overheat. If there is an occasional heat wave, it is best to put the axolotl in the refrigerator if the water can not be maintained below 75. 

  5. Environment. Axolotls do well in planted aquariums as long as the plants can survive using the same parameters as the axolotl.There are people who add shrimp or fish. Generally, axolotls will not eat healthy fish or shrimp, but they will try. Some fish are aggressive and can hurt the delicate gills of the axolotls. 

  6. Light. Axolotls do not need light. However, as long as the bright light is not shining directly on them, or they have a place in the shade, they are not particular.


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